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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Village Tour Cinangneng

Kampung Tour Cinangneng located on Jl. Babakan Kemang, District Ciampea, Bogor, this opens an opportunity for tourists who want to travel in a rural atmosphere, especially to students in schools, through a program named "Tour Poelang Kampung".

There you will be taught various skills such as typical villagers rice wrapped lead, making puppets from cassava leaves, learn to dance jaipongan, playing gamelan, or make a cake.

Not only that, the most exciting is a walk around the village and at the same time "practice" being a citizen of the village, such as learning to sing a song playing Angklung & Sunda, learn to plant, worked or harvest the rice. Anything else is just as he called buffalo bathing, playing in the style of the game and create a country boy with the letter and color in top hat (hat farmers).

For an hour, the group will be invited to walk around the village on foot. On the way they are introduced to a variety of plants that had been possible only they know his name just like coffee, beans, cucumbers, melinjo, or yam. After being around, the group invited to relax for tea break with a visit to the house residents, and there they were treated to tea and fried foods such as fried cassava, fried bananas or sweet potatoes.

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